Working at different tasks Enterprise ChangeSets is the easy way to maintain the virtually ever changing enterprise websites on a single CMS platform.
- Do the day-to-day editing and longer lasting content management tasks, simultaneously.
- Avoid deployment conflicts right from the start. Enterprise Changesets are putting CMS technology from the head back on the feet. Conventional content management systems regard the editing subsystem as the leading system component. The live system is deferred by the deployment of selected content elements from the editing system. Enterprise ChangeSets introduce an unlimited number of independent editing environments. They provide transparent content layers and are all following the live system individually.
Think of a ChangeSet as a list of changes that shall modify the state of the live-system according to a certain editing task. is in full control of all the relations between content objects and thus "knows" if editing of a certain aspect might result into a deployment conflict later on. Such conflicts are automatically detected and prevented by the system.
Editors work in their isolated environments, without distracting and unwanted interferences by other editors working at different tasks. All updates to the live-system, however, are immediately refelected in the ChangeSets. This is equally true, be it that a ChangeSet is deployed to the live-system or that an urgent change has been done by direct editing in the live-system.
A sophisticated preview functionality is available for the quality control. You can display and control all the modification in any given ChangeSet isolated from other ChangeSets. It is also possible to select an arbitrary combination of ChangeSets in order to control the combined effect of the associated tasks.
The benefits of Enterprise ChangeSets are:
- Improved support of parallel tasks, that can be easily handled within the same CMS. No duplicate maintainance to keep different versions updated, when simultaneous projects need to be done. Effective consolidation of projects on one single platform.
- Work is less restricted by organisational constraints but can be planned according to the real life tasks.
- Quicker turnaround of information is enabled by working at parallel tasks and in larger teams. Up to dateness of your website becomes less of a challenge.
- Automatic conflict detection (and prevention) translated into deployment readiness.
To illustrate how Enterprise ChangeSets enable the content maintanance in parallel teams, please have a look at the pictures in the right column. We have used chairs to highlight different versions of content in the life system and in the ChangeSets.