CMS for SharePoint®
Based on security and performance arguments most organizations prefer to use separated platforms and different specialized software products to run their intranet and their public websites. This, however, is a handicap for "straight-through" processes and a smooth flow of information. SharePoint, the platform for Intranet collaboration and, the professional web content management system, do complement each other in an ideal way.
An award winning product
The expert jury of the Initiative Mittelstand (SME Initiative) awarded the prestigious "BEST OF 2014" signet to the SharePoint Integration : »This outstanding product did particularly convince the jury and thus belongs to the top group of over 5000 submitted entries .«
Efficiency by automation
The SharePoint Integration transfers relevant information automatically, rapidly and securely from SharePoint to the public Web and vice-versa. In this process the version and approval status in SharePoint is always taken into account. If an approval is withdrawn in SharePoint, the corresponding information is also cancelled on the Web, immediately and automatically. The rapid, easily expandable platform, can therefore link content, context and communication on the Web with collaboration processes on the intranet. Real-time integration facilitates more topical information and better self-service on the Web.
- Publish content easily and securely from SharePoint to the Web. recognizes modification of the relevant SharePoint documents in real time and keeps the content on the Web automatically up to date.
- Transform user generated information (on a public website controlled by to native SharePoint data (e.g. list items) and to start a workflow for further processing.
- Make any content available to SharePoint users by webparts.
- The SharePoint integration adds to the value of any SharePoint installation, thus supporting the strategy, to implement SharePoint as the central collaboration platform for workgroups and teams in the enterprise.
- The intelligent distributed caching of is also effective at the interface to SharePoint. Thus additional internet users can be accommodated at no extra load on the SharePoint server farm . is optimized for quick projects with virtually unlimited expandability. This sounds like magic, but it is just a result of the latest model-driven technology of, which reduces the developer’s workload very effectively. When, for example, the developer defines a new content type, shall adapt the user interface and the database automatically. This is reducing the project efforts. At the same time the solution is kept tidy and at highest performance.
More info
- Technical information on the SharePoint integration is available at the leaning site